Melungeon Music


Links and plenty of 'Em
Credits & Thank yous
Melungeon Musicians
Music from the Hills and Hollows
Ancestral Music

 In the immortal words of Elvis,
"Thank You, Thank you very much!"

I would like to Thank Nancy Morrison for helping me to keep my grammar clean, and for encouragement and help along the way.
I would like to Thank Donna Porter as well for her help and encouragement and for finding those hard to locate links for me.
I would like to thank all of those whose web pages I linked up to, and to all the Melungeon Family for being there.
   Most of all I would like to thank my professor, Dr. Margaret Hontos, Santa Barbara City College for giving our class a great assignment. Without her this page would have not existed.

Links of Importance
Save Our Sounds is a site dedicated to recovering recorded music and recovering it before it is gone forever.
The University of Tennessee, Johnson city.
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